Earthpulse™ v.5 Sleep on Command (one output jack); Includes v.5 Controller, 110-240 volts AC to 12 volt DC power supply with pin adapter for your area, one electromagnet, padded clear sided zipper travel case.
EarthPulse v.5 is 30% stronger than our discontinued v.4.7 to be more effective through thick mattresses and for where more field amplitude is necessary; still weighs just 1 Kg like our previous systems. Includes many new features; new software controlled amplitude from 10% -100% to help acclimation where sensitive, or for children; softer cables with L-shaped connectors for portability and longer plug integrity. Two new programs; SLEEPEASY our new Delta hybrid Sleep-Mode program; and a Manual-Frequency Mode program for choosing one frequency for up to 12 hours for sleep experimentation, background Schumann generation or for meditation. We’ve added a 1 hour buffer of 14.1 Hz at end of all Sleep-Modes, Recover-Mode and our new Manual-Frequency-Mode to wake you more effectively while avoiding sleeping through program end.
Add extra coil and splitter cable for a less strong version of our v.5Pro. Each of 2 magnets same amplitude as our our discontinued v.4.7. You’ll find extra magnet and splitter on the catalog page. We include a free splitter cable with each electromagnet w/full metal housing at no extra charge.
Do not use 16 and 19 volts setting on battery. Wave form WILL break down at greater than 12 volts. We know which parts burn out from too high voltage input; this will void your free service warranty.
We suggest this 12 volt battery from Votaic (SOLD SEPARATELY) for transportable, off the grid and equine applications. Voltaic sells rugged solar recharging systems for the battery so you’ve even got your EP during long power outages (cell phone and laptop too) or for full off the grid use. Fully charged battery will run full power w/ 2 magnets on a splitter for 10-12 hours at 12 volts setting. Recharges from mains power in about an hour. Reportedly recharges fully in 8 hours of full sun. We keep our battery plugged into the wall charging and powering the EP to avoid shut-downs due to frequent nighttime power outages in this part of the world. Once a week to extend life of battery, unplug the battery charger and run the EP all night from the battery to fully drain it. Then plug back in to recharge.
10 Algorithmic Programs: Frequency range under 14.1 Hz
RECOVER-MODE – Up to 12 hours 9.6 Hz with wake up phase and 1 extra hour Alert 14.1 Hz buffer whether set for 8 hour or 12 hours. Perfect for power naps;
SLEEPEASY – 9.6 Hz for 10 Minutes (when set for 8 hours) then stepping down to 3 Hz in 60 seconds then stepping down further to to 1 Hz over course of during following 15 Hz – back up to 3 Hz for total of 4 cycles then wake up phase and 1 hour 14.1 Hz buffer;
SLEEP-MODE 1 - 9.6 Hz stepping down to 1 Hz over 45 minutes (when set for 8 hours) then back to 5 Hz stepping down to 1 Hz – back to 5 Hz for total of 4 cycles then wake up phase and 1 hour 14.1 Hz buffer to nag user to wake;
SLEEP-MODE 2 - 9.6 Hz stepping down to 1 Hz over course of 45 minutes (when set for 8 hours) then stepping back up to 3 Hz / down to 1 Hz / back to 3 Hz for total of 4 cycles then wake up phase and 1 hour 14.1 Hz buffer;
SLEEP-MODE 3 – 3 Hz stepping down to 1 Hz back to 3 Hz for total of 4 cycles then wake up phase and 1 hour 14.1 Hz buffer;
SLEEP-MODE 4 - 1 Hz start to finish; plus 1 hour 14.1 Hz wake up phase;
ALERT-MODE - 12 Hz to 14.1 Hz back down to 12 Hz for up to 12 hours (our choice as an interuptive field for EMF protection during waking hours);
MANUAL-FREQUENCY-MODE - Set for 1/2 hz – 14.1 Hz for up to 12 hours w/additional 1 hour 14.1 Hz buffer to help you wake when used for sleep;
ENTRAINMENT-UP – 9.6 Hz to 1/2 Hz back up to 14.1 Hz in 30 minutes or 1 hour then shuts off;
ENTRAINMENT-DOWN – 9.6 hz to 1/2 Hz and shutting down. 1 hour setting only.
The EarthPulse™ v.5 Sleep on Command™ System includes:
One v.5 Controller (one output jack)
One Electromagnet
One 100-240 volt AC to 12 volt DC Power Supply
One intl. pin adapter for country of residence
One v.5 padded, clear-side travel case
Add extra magnet (and included splitter cable) and have a 30% lower amplitude v.5Pro